

In fact, as a public service to our American sisters and our own yogapanted citizens we’ve began making coats out of them. It’s a ruthless slaughter but really, no one cares.

All this...and please for the love of gawd don’t call them CANADIAN geese, those shit factories are Canada Geese, there is no other name for them.....rant over...sorry...

Don’t make fun of our vowels and I won’t make fun of yours. Our laptops are made by blackberry and, like enforced wearing of lululemon we must purchase them all. It’s basically a soviet gulag up here. We can only clean our bathrooms once a month when the lysol shipments from the usa arrive. someone send help. or build

I’ve been eventually dumped or rejected or made to feel like shit in some capacity by almost every dude I’ve ever fucked or wanted to fuck and yet somehow I’ve managed to never mass murder

The problem is guns. Not mental illness, not misogyny, not male entitlement. Those are other problems, with other solutions. The problem causing mass shootings is guns.

yes, this show isnt going to appeal to the average “dumb person”. a little too much plot and good acting for that crowd....

I think it’s likely that the people watching a Showtime-aired, nuanced drama about marriage and how affairs make life messy aren’t going to run out and do that for themselves. And if they do, they’re stupid on a level that I don’t know they’d be able to carry out a successfully hidden affair.

I’m assuming their target audience isn’t “dumb people” lol

The show isn’t normalizing affairs. The show is highlighting that affairs are already normal. It’s not OK on the show, it shows how messy it is.

Pierce Brosnan’s kids went to my middle school. One dark, blustery afternoon in late November, I was waiting for my mum to pick me up from the reception area, and who should sit down next to me but PIERCE BROSNAN HIMSELF. I remember swivelling to stare at him, slack-jawed, not even trying to be cool. I stared so

I just wanted to date Agent Mulder or Pierce Brosnan. And by date, I mean fuck.

Having grown up in Alberta in hindsight it was rather weird to run into your teacher in the bar and say “see you in Chem on Monday” (this was in Grade 12)

Our polite sensibilities only extend so far. Then we just get anxious and uptight like the British.

It’s 18 in Alberta, Manitoba, and Québec, 19 in the rest of Canada. I grew up right across the border, which made for some heavy drinking in high school.

The drinking age in Canada is 18? No fuckin fair. Granted I’m in my 30’s, but all those years of trying to get rando strangers to buy me beer, bullshit man.

“Second of all, you do not actually need an ID to travel. You can go to an airport and board a plane with no form of identification. This is not going to stop you from going anywhere, at best, it will just mean slightly more time at the airport.”

Lindsay Lohan got trapped in an elevator

That’s I’ve been doing meth for ten years face.

I believe that’s “I’m missing teeth” face...