Would you consider talking to someone you trust and saying, “Hey, I’ve been having some bad thoughts. Would you come with me next week to pick up my prescription, and hold onto it for me, and not give me more than I should be taking each day?” Would something like that work?
I’m glad you’re talking. Could you ask someone to come with you to pick up your meds, and give them to you daily, so you’re not holding all of them? Is there someone IRL who knows you’re feeling this way?
I’m glad that you’re sharing this and I’m sorry that you’re hurting. Do you want to share what it is that is making you feel this way, besides the stories in the news?
Any suggestions?
It will finally change when corporations see, through a cost/benefit analysis, that discrimination costs them more money than it saves them.
Virtually all the comments here are about how “weird” it is that he chose older women. Many are speculating that this is the result of a traumatic brain injury.
The police arrest rapists.
So the ocean is...the world? And you shouldn’t go into the world...if you’re a woman?
I’m not lecturing anyone.
It might actually help if a police officer addressed the public and said, hey men, stop raping. You know why? BECAUSE MEN DON’T LISTEN TO US.
I suggest you obey the other law of stupid- don’t say stupid things to smart women unless you want your balls handed to you.**
Disgraced Gynecologist is just not a title that you want to have.
I’m so sorry for offending you. Thank you for describing my city as covered in piss and shit, and homeless people’s possessions as garbage. Thank you for encouraging people to stigmatize homelessness. Thank you for judging my family, who you know nothing about, for “allowing” my cousin to become homeless when he was…
You just convinced me that you are either lying about working with the homeless or should not be working with them, but I’m going to spell. out what you should already know- sometimes people have substance abuse and mental health issues that go far beyond the average working-class family’s ability to address…
I have also volunteered with the homeless. I had a cousin who was homeless for many years. He died in a hit and run accident.