
Dr Ullrich would like you to meet his little friend:

Neither did a lot of people.

How does that work? Can they regulate YouTube, where anyone can post their own video?

you're forgetting that netflix and even many big studios DO NOT actually produce the shows themselves. they fund and buy them from production companies. jezza and gang could easily produce a show in the uk which would then be bought and distributed by netflix to circumvent the "regulations"

Oh christ, put down the Fox News talking points you idiot.

Internet service and connectivity is a public utility, not the content on it. Try again.

That doesn't put them on the same level as public television.

Remember that the FCC does have any control over cable tv shows or HBO, Showtime, etc.

A man like Clarkson needs freedom to do what he wants (minus punching people). A man like Clarkson needs

No, it's Jello Picnic co hosted with Cill Bosby.

They have an easily international audience and they've proven they're able to fund bigger budget projects. TG 3.0 should be online.

I remember that color, very nice and rich, not as much gold or red flake as other metallic greens of the day. The one thing GM has figured out is how to paint a car.

Going with NP, but might hard to find parts for.

I can fly my 'Bird with no handlebars

Goddamnit Doug.

I'm not stupid, but I'm drunk, and had a first taste of LSD.

There's always GT3

Wagon version would be acceptable, too!