
2018 Buick regal GS

Said it before, will say again. This should be a Cadillac.

In such a way as the depths of Enceladus’s oceans have yet to exposed, so to does the true depth of my depravity remain unknown.

Still think this should be a Cadillac not a ‘Vette... but I’m just a brand whore, what do I know..

better deal than the takeya is this willow and everette 1.3 quart for 16.99. looks like a seasonal price drop as I got my 3 for 19 each on sale from 29. they now just show as $16.99. love these

better deal than the takeya is this willow and everette 1.3 quart for 16.99. looks like a seasonal price drop as I

ring time?

Now playing

If this passes my only hope is that the the american free style canoe association decides to open up a free style canoe competition in Canada next year!

Rust is a hell of a drug. So is beating the shit out of a poorly made car. They hit 100k and poof it was gone.

I’d like a little sea shanty please.

Shit, you just sold me.

no. you are wrong. a joint + tobacco is a spliff. just a marijuana cigarette is a joint. a wrap/re-rolled cigar stuffed with weed is a blunt.  

I might need to buy this!

wow, that cop needs to be fired, and that nurse should be given a nice paid vacation some where nice.

Mushrooms are not plants, but yeah there can be variations. How ever they tend to be fairly constistant. The issue I ran into with LSD was some times you can run i to an apology such as a 2c-x variant or other “research” chemicals or even the paper could have been dipped unevenly. There where time I would take uniform

every last one of them. Once you move from topical, casual observer to a full fledged self identifying member of a sub culture you’re taking that shit too seriously.

been microdosing for about 1.5 years now with mushrooms. I started with LSD but found the effects to far to inconstant. Most likely due to quality control of the LSD than any thing else, but once i switched to mushrooms from a solid source I started to notice the improvements. I don’t plan to stop any time soon and

hey, so you know what would be super cool and useful on a post telling you to update an app? maybe what app versions were effected and what version has the fix. that would be super cool to know..

If it can tow a 16 foot aluminum fishing boat, I’ll take one please!

But, but, shortstar!!

I’d like to know how it preforms in wet/snow. Like I’m very interested in one of these. I love ‘em but it snows too god damn much to own a dedicated summer car here.