
Yes because cops give a fuck if your comfortable back there.. ever been in the back of any police car? I have been in crown vic's, Taurus, impala and a charger.. let me tell you, none of those offer any sort of leg room or comfort.

For me there are three issues keeping me from buying a New Cadillac sedan.


its not a matter of just believeing them. Ive hone flat out in them. I can say with 100% certainty that both a 2012 and 2013 malibu will only go 105. No matter what.

how? State side they are governed at 105MPH. I drove 36 hours across the us south west in one once, I wish i could go faster but nope. also my gf has a 2013 and it only does 105mph.. I'm confused..

Even if it was just a working prototype, I'd do anything for this to be mine! I'd even be willing to do terrible things to make it a reality so other could enjoy it too! But it must have the northstar derived DOHC 7.5LT V12 damn it! no fucking around with V8's!

given current expectation of automobile packaging. Do you think it would be possible to built a modern tucker? A large 4dr mid engine sedan?

I was just thinking, it's like laaaag and no lag!


yeah sarcasm.. sorry

of course it's fake, women don't read jalopnik or watch basketball...

wasn't this already posted a while ago?

mmmmmmm, ear meat....

Oh god damn, those names you wrote for some reason made me want to punch something..

damn it. yes. copied wrong link...

A modern version of the Datsun 510. A small affordable, light, small, RWD coupe/sedan that can be had in either ecobox flavor or fun sporty flavor.

Sup? You summoned me?

Seriously? That's an Accord coupe..

give us time! And when we do I'm sure we'll make a reality tv show out of it!

I was all brimstone and hell-fire till i read that they did a vin swap and tried to illegally bring that shit.. tough shit son, I don;t feel bad for the owner at all here..