I love this dogs attitude. F the police indeed little guy..
I love this dogs attitude. F the police indeed little guy..
this seems like it takes too much time.. Best way to keep a clean grill, use it. every time you cook it on it give it a quick brush, or my personal favorite run a wade of foil over the grill once its good and hot. comes out nice and clean. Then after you are done cooking the remaining heat from the coals will burn of…
thats why he was wearing jeans... duh...
haha, Nailed it!
All I took away from this was 420hp turbo v6 built by Ferrari. Say what you want about I love a good well built spring 6 cylinder. turbo's are a bonus.. may this could move down into a alfa and land stateside in the 30 to 40k range? yes, please...
that's racist. it just looks like some white guy... I see how it is "all whites look the same"..
I was just going to say the same thing. Scoop it, grind it, dry it, spread it..
really? dude its a test mule. have you ever seen a pretty mule? i think not, well there was that chick with the butt full of coke at the air port that one time. She was cute.. but other wise, no sexy mules..
they should just liquidate and try to recover some of the cash invested. I'd pay $50 for a playbook.
amazon prime lacks in free content worth watching.. i though I was going to pull this move my self.. nah, still got netflix.. But its days are numbered...
I agree fully..
It was her own damn fualt she ended up like this. if any thing they should be able to counter sue if she does for putting the jumper at risk..
I have tried several times cooking with car with mixed results. The only thing I would like to add to these is one simple reminder. If you are cooking in a can you MUST poke a few small holes or they explode...
If my penis was maybe 3 inches shorter I'd be all over this like flies on honey..
yeah, you could get a two tank range extending package.. or same range but towing.. how ever you look it..
I dont understand... the cars, they are new, but this fottage looks like its from the 80's?? did this guy just find a old VHS sholder camera and figure, huh might as well take this to the races...
Mini truck, Mini truck