this one really brings it home..
this one really brings it home..
scary not because of the images or the scare tactics used. scary because I'm pretty sure its advocating running down childer. Its ok to hit them, as long as you do it at 30 or less.. so remeber if you see a child, just slowdonw, no need to break. which is great it also works for not onkly advocating slowing down but…
may go 0 to 60 in under 6 but it goes from road to garge in under 4..... that 5.3 made everythign it was in an instant lemon......
First off, people read that site? secondly, people believe what they write? That site is always just making shit up.
YES! the flying J was going to be my next recommendation!! I love the flying j
Being the road tripp'in fool I am I have a million and one recommendations. But for sake of narrowing it down I'm going to peg it on Casino buffets. I'm not normally a buffet kind of guy but I tell you nothing gives a great sense of accomplishment to a random few hundered mile drive like gorging ones self on prime…
I 2nd this!
no group I think deserves this title more than dadge ram drivers. Oh sure there are some that actually use these over sized retard sleds for work, but very few do. Its usually men of small sturate and limited IQ racing through traffic, flooring from each light, cutting you off, riding your ass when your already doing…
wont take the photo, try again..
there is no way we can have this question with out this one.
because.. super bird?
I see your monte and raise a super bird!
I see your monte and raise a super bird!
I see your monte and raise a super bird!
I'll see your monte and raise you one of these..