
i’m pretty sure that Trump is going to be spending A LOT of time at...THE WHITE HOUSE. So OWNING A GUN there should probably be pretty hard to do. But i guess i really had to explain what i meant by that. I know how to read, maybe you should learn where the leader of our country hangs out. But hey, based on what you

Thats his thing though. When Lebron talks like that, i sort of cringe. Just expect more from him i guess.

hahaha see above comment

There it is. Keep being paranoid. We’re all keeping track of every single one of these comments for later. We’re all watching you! We’re all evil!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA

HAHAHA! This guy!

Really? Lets go over what we do know.

You’re right dude. It’s filthy down here. so much fun and filthy :D

One of the all time great mugshots. totally a “teehee” face

He totally does, but hasn’t he always? I cant stand how Lebron cant take an ounce of critisim though, even from an all time great. He’s such a great student of the game, he needs to just let people talk.

how was there not a team of mop kids trailing behind him. How many knees got blown out trailing this dude down the court. It is beautiful!

PLEASE....make it stop...or go full tilt, one or the other

Why do civilians need hollow points? Something about civilians owning guns where the President lives also sounds strange to me. Gun laws should be strict, for everyone. I understand you were talking about how the laws ‘used to be’but it really sounded like you were trying to something different there. And i didnt even

I fucking love Voltron

It does exist. Change needs to happen. more and more and more in our society, different races and sexes are being to apologize for everything that makes them unique. Color, sex, religion, background. I find more and more that this site is spewing hate and fear and contempt. Your post is one of the best ones i have

Really? I car pool with 6 grown men, including myself. 3 of us white, 3 black. Take a big guess on who the 3 with guns are.

deaf ears

its up in the same bar as the root, so youre gonna get some bleed over from that

NU UH!!! *fingers in ears* it cant be!!! he was perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Theyre so fucking evil!!! Theyre all the same. Fuck ‘em all!!! White monsters!!!

WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! never respoNsible for anything!!!!!!!!!! so privileged!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR