
From the country that brought you SCTV, Kids in the Hall and Canadian Bacon, a sarcastic narc app. May I suggest a #sarc hashtag? I don't think I've ever been prouder to call myself Canadian.

A fatal shock that chokeholds you to death and calls you the n word

Too bad. It's not for you.

Just because no one sued your place doesn't necessarily mean it wasn't illegal there too.

Generally speaking, gay bars and lesbian bars are not the same places, and no, women cannot be bears, which is a specific sub-identify of gay men.

Yeah, it's a fucking gay bar. It's not supposed to be a "friendly space for women." Not everything is for you.

"Check this shit out!"

sometimes a bunch of masculine gay dudes just want to hang out with other masculine gay dudes, apparently

Palutena digivolved

Whoa-ho-ho what is going on here hot damn.

If you aren't choosing your kart based on how awesome/ridiculous it looks, you are playing Mario Kart incorrectly.

People die from cars - a lot. Speeders should go to jail well before we send weed users/dealers. Of course, our legal system isn't based on science or even logic.

Disagree! The man should be jailed, at minimum.

1. In Seattle, regular coffee simply means drip coffee. Because most cafe's don't even have drip (just espresso), something that confounds my parents when they visit.

Coffee seems to get a lot of people hot under the collar. But my experience was that everybody knew exactly what they wanted and if you deviated from what they wanted in it in any tiny way you could expect a good yelling at or (in the case of one of my friends one especially horrible Saturday morning) searing hot

This column would be drastically reduced if there was a $30 dipshit surcharge at restaurants.

If this salad wants to be respected, it needs to start by respecting itself.