It's a dream come true for men. Suddenly your face is fashionable because you're too lazy to shave? Awesome.
It's a dream come true for men. Suddenly your face is fashionable because you're too lazy to shave? Awesome.
My face didn't move at all, but I don't think a mildly distasteful pun is "punching down".
Kinja doesn't like my new Dante .gifs. I see how it is.
I ask for a single ice cube in my scotch and I feel like the biggest, knottiest asshole.
I like that you can customise your experience and make it more difficult in several ways. Pokemon X&Y were the easiest games yet, which is the only thing that detracted from the adventure for me.
I think rape predates internet memes.
Pharrell looks like a kindly grandma gardening in her sun hat so he's obviously not ageist.
So you can get a pre-order discount on the PSN games AND store credit too? That's pretty nifty.
So you can get a pre-order discount on the PSN games AND store credit too? That's pretty nifty.
"I'm still amazed at the level of progress this nation is making, in any case." Well that's good, I'm glad you have hope. As a Canadian, I can only grimace through the American news cycle as gay rights advance at a glacial pace and women's rights recede in to the ice age.
Animals (including humans) can become violent when competing for scarce resources. Fat and happy stray dogs sound like the best kind of stray dogs.
"Your Facebook is not your diary." What does that even mean? I like it when my friends share personal things, but maybe he really likes memes, political rants and links to Buzzfeed.
And no offense to my fellow men, but it is a lot easier to find an ugly, tiny, crooked dick than it is to find an asymmetrical vagina. Body shaming is wrong and all that, but do men LOOK at their own junk? They run a grody gamut.
It's the baby of a plum and and apricot and I prefer it to its parents.
I really like grilled peaches with pork.
He is very fuckable, but he's a felon. I'll take my chances with Lancelot Supersad Sr.
I'm sure he'd rather plead insanity before premature ejaculation, but if he did it would prove that he was only going to leave his kids for like 3 minutes. I should be a lawyer.
Nope, there are no real safe places. As fairlyvexed said, "you'd think dudes who themselves experience discrimination would be reluctant to turn and punch down..." and you'd think that some drunk straight girl wouldn't grab my cock'n'balls in a gay bar either, but when it's your bachelorette everybody is there for…
I have too many Vita games to play :( I didn't even look at the Steam summer sale because my Vita backlog is too big.
That's how she became famous, right? I knew she had a skill!
'Casey Wilson' was all I needed to see. I'm on board.