
If I wanted to feel like I was being urinated on...

You want THAT tub next to those blinds? You're a monster.

Is there a good time to have a baby? When you're younger your eggz and spermz are healthier, but when you're older you're (apparently) a parenting genius with sluggish swimmers.

Plus everyone is sporting that look this nuclear winter.

Hahaha, on the bright side, your coworkers now think you have a deeply creepy love for Hansel.

Yeah, I don't even think Linda Hamilton was all that "jacked". Male actors work out to get bigger for roles, I don't see why a woman couldn't do the same. Other than the horrible magazine articles about her "hideous transformation in to a monstre!" of course.

I see a vague suggestion of muscle tone in the pic above. Calling her ripped, as some have, is a stretch.

Maybe he plays online on his favourite server and some admin told him about all the cool stuff he'd get if he donated.

Jezebel is the funniest Gawker site. Seriously, y'all are the most entertaining writers. I really hope the menfolk at Gawker grasp this "comedy" concept.

I immediately pictured it in my butt.

I never know if I want a sweet or a salty breakfast. I guess this one is both?

What? People will cosplay anything. It doesn't have to be "erotic". What utter bullshit.

I'm super excited to get a newspaper in Hell, 300 years from now, that says, "Rape Culture Finally Destroyed"

Stop it Tina Fey, you slay me.

Wearing peregrine falcons on your shoulder is also in style now, so yes.

I don't know what they do to their vegetables, but veggie subs from Subway have a horrific odour. I'll buy my vegetarian friends alll the chickpeas before I let them go in a Subway.

No, I'm still bitter. Let's be bitter together.

lol. They're still stupidly handsome, I think they're doing okay.

She's nervous, for once in her life. Adorable.

I only clicked this link to see if Rob somehow got hot, but no. Maybe he'll be the first in the family to get a job instead.