Hathaway also demanded that the red carpet must be dyed the perfect shade of red with kitten blood.
Hathaway also demanded that the red carpet must be dyed the perfect shade of red with kitten blood.
Google it and then you will haz a lot of sad.
In the linked article I think she explains it better. Poor word choice here, perhaps.
I do hope she changes the title. I know her show isn't going to be about manhate but people are going to rage anyway and it won't do her any favours.
Also the title just sounds really clunky. "I Hate LA" is more pleasing.
Guys, calm down. The tone of the article is a little tongue in cheeks.
Back in the olden days some very smart, literate people used to send telegraphs that looked a lot like tweets, even with similar abbreviations.
You can learn something from stupid comments as well.
I enjoy drunkenly eviscerating my acquaintances at bars when they think it's okay to let their misogyny slip out. I also enjoy raging over sexist Youtube comments. The latter thing may not be as effective :\
I don't know nuffin about nuffin, but my number one rule is to listen to women's stories. I know anecdotes don't make a great textbook but if you keep listening you will learn a lot. The comments on Jezebel get a bad rap (and I don't know why) but I find that a good number of them are more insightful than the articles…
Well they're both wearing blue.
I feel that way about Chelsea Handler.
Every time a woman chooses to stay home a thousand puppies die, apparently.
Remember kids: politics are always more important than your happiness.
omg Catilin Moran why are you racist against attractive rich white men thatsnotcool
I'm not saying that sentence diagramming is useless, but it's useless here. You're basically saying, "Well TECHNICALLY..." which is how a lot of bullshittery is started. I'm not sure that the author chose the word because he was considering Ms. McCarthy's weight but he should have looked at it after and realised the…
Leslie, calm down and keep your hands in your pockets.
No, the first bit. I'm going to assume you've modded the game so it's half DJ Hero half Metal Gear. DJ Metal Gear Hero? Yes please. Keep up the good work. (Clearly I have never actually played a Metal Gear game)
I don't know really know what that means but I do know that IT IS AMAZING.