I Am B Spears

As an ICU nurse I feel like we are there to protect and serve the patient. We are often the last line of defense. I am so proud of her for not only trying to maintain that protection but also not going away quietly. I was angry and tearful looking at this video and seeing what she went through as a trained burn nurse

I just wouldn’t want someone like that as a professional advice gi er/therapist. I take advice from anyone. My cat tried to lay on a pan of freshly baked cinnamon rolls, and I took that as a suggestion to eat most of them immediately.

I was about 16 and visiting my dad across the country. A young guy (nicely dressedand cute) knocked on the door. He chatted with me a bit (flirtatiously in my mind) and asked if he could come see me tomorrow. I was all like, hell yes, cute boy. Then he left me the Book of Mormon so I could read it over and discuss

See, this is great. However, every time I see it I am reminded of my cousin who, years ago when she was a tiny young woman living in the bad part of town, would use this as a strategy to keep the creeps away on the night bus. Any guy that wouldn’t stop creeping on her she would just earnestly try to “talk to them

Taylor Swift.

JFC who the hell could defend this?! Full disclosure, I am a varsity cheer coach - and I am fucking appalled, as should be EVERYONE.

Of course it’s calculated. It’s still a bad song, though.

She wore a statement necklace while voting, I’ll bet you a million bucks.

“I support you guys, and it’s not about me. I’m not 100% how to handle that, is it cool if I stand behind you?”

It’s like a new governess hired to manage a particularly unruly child, and using every trick in her bag to make him behave.

Has MVP’s boyfriend met a specific person he wants to sleep with hence he’s come up with this? I would probably think so...

It took me decades to even learned that I had learned it.

I don’t think it would have helped either. I wouldn’t be surprised if that played into her thoughts after the fact, though. She wouldn’t be the first woman to wish she’d been less gracious when she realized that she wasn’t going to win whatever she did.

“Maybe I have overlearned the lesson of staying calm, biting my tongue, digging my fingernails into a clenched fist, smiling all the while, determined to present a composed face to the world.”

Commenting and browsing is a laggy nightmare on mobile, let alone hoping to find a damn thing. This is 10x worse than anticipated as a primarily mobile user.

Seriously. I saw the phrase ‘going out top’ and I cringed. The lace trimmed acetate camisole (fuck ANYONE who calls it a “cami”) with velvet blazer and over designed boot cut jeans with heels look was the ‘sophisticated’ version of this at my college. Fuck this shit, dresses for life, man.

I went on a Tig binge and read her book and watched her doc and listened to a bunch of her standup and then started One Mississippi. It’s good, but there’s so much retread that I quit because I’d seen/heard/read it all multiple times already. If you’re acquainted with Tig and like her, but haven’t had a ton of

I’m going to ignore any more nonsense from this classless biatch and instead give a shout-out to Jenni Miller who has been an articulate badass throughout all the hoopla around this. She should look into politics.

When litigants agree to be on the show they make the judge a binding arbiter, meaning they will agree with the person’s decision no matter what. Other than in four states and some government work where licensing is required anybody can be binding arbiter as long as the two parties agree. A judge, your uncle Joe,

I love Judge Judy almost as much as I love Dolly Parton*, and I am not ashamed to admit it!!