I Am B Spears

Well, since the only child you know is a lonely,spoiled, weirdo then they must all be. I’ll tell my daughter to reexamine her full life, and all her friendships. They can’t possibly be real! I’m sure she’ll be crushed. Since you are clearly the judge of all that is normal and healthy. What do you attribute your

Wrong black girl.

That’s awesome! First person to win a Grand Slam while pregnant! GOAT. Take that, Roger.

He clearly needed help, and likely never got it.

We call the last one A-Fib and Finished.

If that actually worked you would see A LOT more women running.

Slightly off topic, but a friend of mine wanted to borrow some books and asked me if I had anything by Melissa Gilbert. I was confuzzled and told her I wasn’t aware of any books by the former Little House star, but I could highly recommend “Confessions of a Prairie Bitch” by Alison Arngrim who played Nellie Olsen. My

It was one of the most horrible things I’ve seen someone do to another person on TV. I thought Jeff Probst, who has said he knew Zeke was transgender when he was cast the first time, handled the moment very well, letting Zeke have a few moments to absorb what happened, while not letting Varner off the hook in any way

I had these same questions last night while I was trying to pick my jaw up off the floor. I was pleased though that everyone on the Nuku tribe was immediately outraged at Varner and supportive of Zeke.

Really? A person couldn’t take 5 minutes to read the whole article? You seem to have spent more time coming up with your self-righteous response rather understanding the context of the situation.

It’s like losing all your money to the guy you pay to watch your money. Who would’ve thought? It figures

Oh, I dunno:
- trying to get home to see a family member on their deathbed, or witness the birth of a child
- a court date for child custody or some other serious legal issue
- a serious medical condition requiring specialist treatment in another city

What about someone rushing home to see a sick relative? Or a bride/groom going who is getting married the next morning? Is he a brain surgeon or is he a family doctor treating minor injuries and ailments? Are there other providers in his practice who can cover for him? Surely there’s some system in place to cover his

I actually agree with most of the outrage at this story. However, the doctor/more important obligations is where I jump off the bandwagon. Most people have important obligations. Should an EMT have been exempted too? I know it’s not you. Everyone has been saying “He’s a DOCTOR, with patients!” I just don’t see

I just like seeing our handles together.

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a person in possession of good receipts is delivering a read, not shade.”

Yeah, I am. I was a few minutes away today, in my office, hearing all the chaos. It’s an awful feeling to step outside and see people crying and being terrified. I’m just hoping the injured people will survive, that three dead will be the total.

People don’t use trucks often to kill people in the US since they can just hop into the local Wal-mart and get a rifle.
