I Am B Spears

Bish wut? Why are you gonna call someone out on their lack of compassion and in the same breath victim blame? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.

Wait, I won’t be able to just drop my kid off at the other kid’s house anymore? I don’t have time to sit around small-talking for four goddamn hours while our kiddos build the Oregon Trail with Barbies or whatever.

I don’t remember my mom being friends with the parents of any of my friends, and it didn’t even occur to me that she should be. It’s hard enough to find friends without the added pressure of aligning social circles with your child.

Who else is going to share the mozz sticks with you?!?!

From my understanding, Mike Pence never dines alone with a T. Rex.

So the honeyfund is not any more tacky that a gift registry. That said, eloping and registering for gifts, (of any variety,) is tacky as fuck.

I give a check at weddings. You don’t need to tell me you want cash, who doesn’t want cash?!

Anyway, that’s why I don’t like honeyfunds, but I generally try and keep that opinion to myself when someone mentions theirs.

I also get annoyed when I want to give you $100 on your honey fund and the site charges me an $8 fee.

Then I got hammered the next day and forgot to put it away. Ice Cream cakes are bad.

Got hammered once and woke up with this in my freezer.

Haha, IN FACT, we made it to the double or nothing video question and then lost the money on that. It was really hard! All of the questions were hard actually, I’m pretty embarrassed about my performance (I only contributed 1 correct answer).

It’s a good day for Shouty Spice when he doesn’t have lunch on his tie or food stuck in his teeth.

What? Jesús (more like heh-SOOS) is just how it’s pronounced in Spanish... it’s not pronounced like that to differentiate it from the “real” Jesus (as pronounced in English). Unless there is a joke and/or I’m missing something here....

I got teased for being flat-chested when I was 11, but I showed them.

I’m totally up for more “Snapped”.

It’s true that they do audition some people ahead of time (but they do their best to keep it a secret from the auditionees—they think they’re auditioning for a different game show) HOWEVER, they also pick people up randomly. I know, because it happened to meeeeeeeee (it was fucking awesome).

Daniel Dae-Kim and John Cho are both of Korean descent, Samurai are Japanese...#notallAsiansarethesame. Unless you want Samurai World to involve around Japanese and Chinese Imperialism in the Korean peninsula....

“Stars, they’re just like us! Except they have jobs. Clean out your desks.”

She’s been a vocal opponent of Trump’s anti-Muslim, anti-women and, yes, anti-Japanese views. And, unlike so many weak-willed, spineless loser men who spout half-assed admonitions against Trump, without actually renouncing their support of him, she’s put her money where her mouth is and lost her minority leader