I Am B Spears

Agreed. Definite difference between “partying” and being around an addict actively using.

Agree re: Charlie. I also can’t help but think this is a prime example of why child stars so often have trouble in later life. They are surrounded by adults whose only concern is how they can exploit and make money off these kids.

Maybe she didn’t treat those dancers like props, but reports are out there that she used the Drag Queens who performed on SNL with her as props... Migos (who?) reportedly didn’t want to perform with the Queens so they were removed (by her team) from some of the numbers and weren’t invited to the after party.

I’m in the US but my family is in Manchester (my grandma lives next door to Old Trafford). I learned this morning that all of mine are safe-we were most worried about my cousin and her two young daughters-and I hope your family is as well.

I too, am a bit of a super fan. That’s probably one of my favorite episodes.. “Is this the sink, am I shrinking?!”

I can’t find the meme, and I don’t plagiarize like Ivanka “Complicit” Trump, but the meme suggested imagining all negative self talk stemming from anxiety being said in Trump’s voice. Imagine “you are so fat” coming out of Cheeto’s mouth-it’s pretty easy to tell that voice to fuck right off. I’m okay with renaming my

S-dale represent!

I...just...ate a bug!


This is helpful, thanks! I’m presenting at a large conference for the first time and am trying not to look like an idiot. And the PPT animation effects are awful.

What are some common things you see that drive you crazy?

Those photos are wacky af, but one of my first thoughts was how freaking attractive that man (still) is.


“For my immigrant family, especially, Payless was the most affordable option growing up, no matter how embarrassing it felt to not be wearing name brands.”

Thank you! Home sick today and a royal wormhole sounds perfect!

what’s your favorite blog? Where should I start?

Ahhh! Did you win? Did you go double or nothing on the video bonus round?!?!

He was dancing like no one the microwave was[n’t] watching

This is ridiculous. They are scared of us. I’m in southern Arizona and our Congresswoman, Martha McSally is worthless. She’s a vet who calls herself “a warrior” but refuses to meet with her constituents, arguing that we only want to get her into a room to insult her in what she called a “political ambush”. She’s held