I Am B Spears

Wow! That was a great story. I wonder if the esthetician who waxed that girl thought it an odd request but shrugged and did it anyways?

I didn’t know I cared about this, but now I do and I’m looking forward to this movie. Thank you!

Wow! What a journey little Marble must have had. I’m glad she is back home safe with you.

Welp, if it was indeed an HSA and they require you to forefit the money, that’s illegal.

HSAs do not expire. It is like a bank account. It’s your money, regardless where you work (assuming you receive insurance through your employer). The money is available forever, until it’s gone. Flexible spending accounts (FSAs) typically do expire.


As a nurse it’s astounding how little lab techs know about the human body and keeping people alive.

Omg. This is the best thing I’ve seen in a while. The ominous music in the background was making me anxious!

I feel like NeNe should be Shade Court’s Bailiff of Bullshit™.

I’m so sorry for your loss. Holidays are tough. The last time I saw my father in law before he died was Christmas. He told me I could “make [him] Christmas cookies all year long”. Every time I bake I think of him.


This is me. I am she. I want all of these things (minus the bonnet), and have sent this link to my husband. Also the Jane Austen Centre in Bath is a little creepy (holograms).

Yes! I can’t quite figure out what she did, but she looks...different (and amazing). Obviously I’m a bit of a fan.

I am so sorry for you loss. This is a list written from one mom to another after they both lost their children to cancer. While losing a child must be a special kind of hell, your description of your grief made me think of this list. Internet hugs to you.

Agreed. I very much enjoyed this article and learned a lot.

She was also 20 years old (barely-her birthday was a month before) when she married Charles.

My dad quit smoking because a woman beat him at tennis. Like cold turkey quit; he never smoked another cigarette again after that match. Rather than assume she was just better at the sport than he, he decided it was simply because he was held back by smoking. My dad pretty much sucks, but I guess it motivated him to

I’m a Jennifer born of the mid-80's. There were five of us in my third grade class, and I made the awful decision to go by “Jenny”. Then the movie Forrest Gump came out and essentially my life was ruined. I desperately wanted to change my name to Tiffany of Heather, or at least change the spelling to “Genipher”.