it's better in a pickup

For your entertainment, the cars we cross shopped (and test drove that day)

I’m glad Volkswagen sells SO MANY cars to Americans that their dealers can willingly drive customers away like this. (Yes, that was sarcasm.)

All this for some dumb DVD players and radios.

Do an eBay search for "clean title". You'd be amazed the things that don't get a salvage title.

These things. They’re so bad, we banished them from the car to the kitchen floor so we could work on behavioral simulations. No, not really. We had to clean the seats.

The one who screams to pull over when you’re running from the cops. That shit takes a lot of concentration, damnit. Don’t interfere

This honestly has the be the most cost effective modern weapon platform made- clearly it seems to me to be of any aircraft- edging out the C-47 years ago. Hell, it's going to end up with the longevity of the Brown Bess to top.


I’m not in love with the design, but the white plastic looks like it was legitimately painted, which is a nice touch and the rest of the materials seem to be pretty standard in a “hybrid” type car. You been in a Tesla? I love the design, but the materials used are pretty econobox-ish.

Where you park your G Wagen...

Any VW with these gauges. Who decided RPM should be displayed x100 instead of x1,000???

I... I... I like it. Looks much better in black. A bit dark, but I stand by my statement that I like it.

What’s a G spot?

Yep. Totally agree. I guess what was puzzling to me over the “Gubermint motors” was that a lot of the people making those comments were the same who for years and years poked at people who bought “Furrin” cars like Toyotas and Nissans and claimed to be dyed in the wool American car fanatics- Chevy and Ford. Amazing

And people with no wit and zero creativity but who lamely attempt to be funny keep catch phrases in their vernaculars WAY too long.

But people still called it Government Motors because they’re idiots..

I’ve watched every FnF movie and will say that every single one of them is awful. Nonsense stories, botched timelines, more continuity errors than a b-movie, and enough middle fingers to Physics to make Michael Bay blush.

Bro, do you even lift bro?