Hot take: everyone has been taking Star Wars way way way way way more seriously than they should have been since about 1993 at least, if not earlier, and everyone should shut up about it for a few years.
Hot take: everyone has been taking Star Wars way way way way way more seriously than they should have been since about 1993 at least, if not earlier, and everyone should shut up about it for a few years.
and a photo showed Franken grabbing a fellow USO performer’s breasts.
How long have you been waiting to use that line?
Fine, be immortal at brunch.
Detroiters should have run for at least four more seasons!
That second part of this confused me so much so I went to go find the original statement to see what the hell he is talking about. The way it’s written here it makes it sound like Weinstein was trying to blacklist Ben Affleck.
Graham is nothing but a fucking parasite.
I hope Vic is fighting the takedown because this is fair fuckin’ use if there ever was it, at least from a copyright perspective (not addessing any defamation claims).
Here’s the sad truth: 99% of the people in the world don’t give a shit about this. About ANY of this. They’ve lost like...not a lot of followers over this. They’ve lost what amounts to a drop in the bucket of followers over this. MAYBE pressure can be put on advertisers...but good luck appealing to the moral side of…
I’d rather break off his middle fingers and feed them to my dog.
Holy SHIT the punchability of that face.
Why not have her do the same show not on a set? Why do they need to cart in live audiences for these things? I didn’t look at the trailer but the Wyatt Cenac/Killer Mike/Viceland type show might be better overall, just talk to the camera. Also they should do more concerts. That is all. They really need a Mythbusters/Ad…
When did the A.V Club stop doing music reviews? I miss when they did music reviews. ‘Permanent Records’ was a terrific feature in its early days. I genuinely looked forward to ‘Least Essential Albums of the Year’ each December, too.
Death of Stalin (came out in US this year) and Sorry to Bother You might be my two favorites of the year. Glad to see Leave No Trace here. Glad to see Widows not here, I hated it. Sorry to hate but Buster Scruggs was mediocre and really predictable, only the Tom Waits one really nailed it. I liked Burning but didn’t…
I actually thought this was one of their better Treehouse outings of late. Granted that’s a VERY low bar to clear at this point, but I still found it rather enjoyable.
The Break was great, and really deserved a platform that doesn’t suck at weekly content so much (Netflix’s GUI is really built around the binge model so a show that releases new episodes every week tends to get lost in the shuffle.)
While Oz apparently jumped the gun here and didn’t know the whole story, it now strikes me why someone named F. Oz might feel somewhat personal about a bear named FOZzie. (And to think it took me forty years and this story to make that connection...)
I was going to get seriously pissed about the grade of “B”, but looking at this guy’s other reviews, he seems to be going for B’s the way A. A. Dowd gave everything a C.
But seriously, this is the best thing I’ve seen so far this year. “The Death of Stalin” may have been a little bit more polished and been funnier…
Yeah, this was my fear when the redesign first went up: Turning the site into a constant stream of content, instead of keeping longer articles up for the full day. This format encourages quick hit clickbaits, such as Newswire or Great Job, Internet, instead of regular full length columns, such as History of Violence.…