
You’re right, I’m just tired of the whole “that guys supposed to be white” or “so and so is supposed to be Japanese” thing. I was the same with F4, except my contention was that Sue should be black too or else we need to waste time explaining why siblings are different races.

Quit terribly I might add, maybe a robot is perfect for the wooden queen.

But if it’s a robot to begin with why care? They’re using the wrong character as their sticking point. If they want to make the same argument using almost any other character then fine but it’s like arguing over Data’s race, he’s an android so he has no actual racial identity, just programming. And at the end of the

This isn’t gonna be another “black human torch” debacle is it? I mean why do people care? You can’t do anything about it other than maybe boycotting it which won’t accomplish anything in the short term and will barely accomplish anything in the long run. So all this uproar is gonna amount to revving an engine in

Um, a name doesn’t equal genetics. And I’ll take the original publisher’s word over anyone but the actual creators any day.

It’s a mediocre book/movie at best and is full of a bunch of platitudes designed to capture the imaginations of angsty, uninformed teenagers. Choke is a better Chuck Palahniuk book.

Stop feeding the pig, Carlin is over his head. Coincidentally Carlin absolutely did not practice what he preached after he found fame, most comedians dont, actually most people in general don’t once they’ve achieved what they set out too. Why do you think Seth McFarlane leans right now, the writers lean left but he’s

I beg to differ, you posted a ridiculous tirade full of inflammatory nonsense in order to shame people who use social media. A. What is this if not a form social media? B. What was the point of being a troll if not to cause a reaction and get attention? So you’re a hypocrite then right? I mean you ranted against

Did you get paid for that? If not why did you post it? To get stars? If you got paid I’d understand but if you didn’t than your rant makes no sense. Do you care about stars and followers? Cause I bet you do.