
Is it good news or bad news that the 86% of people who approve of his transition so far have no idea what the fuck is happening in his transition so far?

I realize that this world has never been that great, in all of human history. But I am still looking at the news every day and asking what the hell is happening. Horrible people just consistently take power, and we never seem to learn from our mistakes.

There are plenty of people who would take the opportunity to satisfy their bloodlust if given the opportunity. Filipnos don’t have a different psyche from anyone else, it all depends on who holds the reins of power.

The Philippines canceled a visit from the UN, which was scheduled for next year. The purpose for the cancellation was that the UN did not agree to the terms and conditions set forth by Duterte, therefore, they will not host the UN visit. That visit was to investigate the mass killings. This just happened so we will

Did he just compare himself positively... to Hitler? And he is friends with Donald Trump, our President-elect? I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

The NYT article about what’s going on in there right now is very distressing. Complete lawlessness. The police are roaming death squads who can kill anyone and then just say they were a drug addict. What should be worrying is that there are a fair few people in the U.S. that would welcome this policy here.

Yeah, he is.

Well, he’s just putting into practice Trump’s boast that he could shoot someone in the street and not lose any support. Turns out: true enough!

I continue to believe this is why Obama misjudged the situation in Syria so badly: He assumed Assad would act like a rational, self-interested ruler rather than an actual monster, and Assad proved to be a monster.

I can only speculate what it must be like to be so morally cold and without honor that you would rather burn a city and its occupants to the fucking ground than lose it. Aleppo will be all but decimated when this is over, a cultural and financial and population hub is going to be a husk, and that’s preferable. how can

Where am I blaming him? I said ask him about Putin’s involvement in this. He’s going to be in charge so why not? He seems reluctant to blame Putin for anything.

He also cancelled the press conference where he was going to tell us all about how he would deal with his conflicts of interest. He has no intention of removing the conflicts or finding an ethical way to manage them. He is setting up a kleptocracy and he thinks no one will stop him.

He is obviously just going to keep doing whatever he wants until he is somehow forced to stop. Let’s see if anyone in the government grows some fucking ovaries and puts their foot down. It will be worth so much to see the legendary tantrum that will result.

The next four years will be like 1856-1860, when America was falling apart, hopelessly divided and completely chaotic, the years which led directly to the Civil War in 1861.

Artist Christian Bloom

Poor Tiffany, even when she is standing right in front of her dad he will do everything he can to ignore her...

OK.. this is NOT Comcast.. it’s a subcontractor with the comcast logo on the side - jeez.

There are some great discussions going on about this topic. I for one can’t fathom the position that removing parts from the car is unethical. If VW wanted only cars in like new condition, they would have stipulated it in the settlement, it’s not like owners are shafting VW for pulling parts from cars that are banned

This election may not have killed Trump’s celebrity status but please can Kanye’s continued bizarre supporting of Trump kill his. The guy is a pretty good rapper but outside of that seems to be a terrible human being.