
Laurel. So stupid. How could she ever think bringing Sara back was a good idea. So so stupid.

He didn't ask how fast he would need to go in this episode. F

Like anyone would want to "R" him.

Who's Oliver Subpodcasts?

Whoever cast the red-headed kid with the missing tooth deserves a raise.

I still don't really get why Lester doesn't just go back to the pharmacist to at least get some antiseptic for his hand.

I feel like Eddie Murphy's missed his moment though; that Oscar hosting gig was supposed to be his big comeback into the mainstream consciousness but it didn't happen and people saw him suck in Tower Heist instead.

Well, teenage-equivalent stages of development then: adolescent gorillas, pre-adult bears, etc. Like if they morphed into a dog, they'd be 14 in dog years (2 human years, right?)

I have a plot hole question: the kids absorb the DNA of the animals right? Then when they morph, shouldn't they be teenaged versions of the animals too? Why do they morph into the fully formed adult animals? This has been bothering me for many years.

I wonder what it is you hope to accomplish by posting here for every episode.