
Well, its a Corvette, so there wouldn't be any body rust, but I'm willing to bet the frame is tissue paper at this point.

We rarely know everything behind a stranger’s situation. Maybe she had a death in the family and booked last-minute tickets to attend the funeral. Maybe another family member just called to say they’re suicidal or in desperate medical condition, and she dropped everything and booked the only seats she could grab.

Top left behind the bush

To me, it looked like someone tried to Donk and Stance the same car at the same time.  It’s just odd looking.

Baby Driver sucked.

He says it in the article:

Well if you see a sign that says “Your Approved” at a car dealer. Run, run away as fast as you can.

But how much action are you comfortable with in the back end?

For those who can’t view the video at work (or wherever)...

That’s not a mod, that’s a factory option from Mercedes.


This looks like a mid-oughts Grand Cherokee to me

Upright tailgate seems Jeep Patriot-esque to me.

We lost that battle the moment pillarless segways became hoverboards.

A few notes:

My first thought at seeing this post was “they’re going to badge the Dart as a Neon?"