
Yes, fingers crossed that a Boston sports team will finally catch a good break for once, and a deserving and humble fan base will be rewarded with a legitimate chance at a title.

So far, the only athletes that have qualified under IOC regulations are Ryom Tae Ok and Kim Ju Sik, a pair of figure skaters. 

Sager family at the courthouse:

Talk about fake news. He cut down trees so people could SEE nature. That’s not a bad thing at all. Duh.

I was just glassin’ through these comments and you get a star strictly for your screen name.

Non story. The only reason she was spotted under a highway underpass was simply because she was trying to get an interview with Johnny Manziel.

it was not the game we needed but probably the game we deserved

  1. Fired Jeff Fisher

So you want Will Sasso doing play-by-play while impersonating Al Pacino.

Even Simmons thinks this shit is corny. Mainly because of the lack of Entourage references.

I also linked to said Ringer article and cited it by name and author. It’s almost as if our readers and theirs aren’t the same!

Awesome, do you wanna suck his penis?

Say what you will about Nick Saban, but I’d be shocked to hear a story like this about him.  His Hideaway Book is just a list of all the games he lost over the years and he uses it to smash his penis on a table whenever he smiles inside.

No one likes you.

The Peach Bowl spread was +9.5 and they won by 7.

and Auburn was 10 point favorites.

Not West Virginia. Everybody knows miners can’t give consent.

So... Arizona didn’t find any evidence of sexual assault, even after he fucked West Virginia and Michigan?

“What I’ve actually learned is that the work of keeping your path clear is a continual process, one so all-consuming that you may not ever have the time to look up and see where you’re going”