
Depends where you are and who you are. It’s not offensive like the N-word, but you do have to tread carefully. In the rural/remote northern parts of Australia it isn’t offensive BUT it all depends on context. If you don’t have a relationship with the person you are talking to/about, it’s not appropriate, and you

Uh, yeah. I’m not sure why the entire commenting section is trying to say Rob has no responsibility in his own life. He’s always been a huge, entitled asshole. He has never once taken responsibility for his own behaviour and Kim is the only one who has ever called him out on it, and his responses to her were

Her hair is great and I think she must have a new makeup artist. She looks fantastic.

I’ve seen both seasons of Cheshire...LOVE IT.

Sounds like this fool was already known to police, which probably explains why they were so quick to arrest her. I don’t recall people on Jezebel being this upset about #freespeech when Galliano was arrested for antisemitism.

Yeah it did. Like 3 days later.

I guess it depends where you go and live. In Australia for a full look, most counters will charge you a fee which is redeemable on products (which works out great for them since most of the time the fee will only buy you MAYBE one product so you always end up spending more due to the outrage price of cosmetics here).

That made me laugh! I'm Australian and I swear I did the same thing when I had this very conversation with my Canadian colleague. I've been thinking about this lately though and I think our issue is that it gets "cold" (say less than 10 C but more than 0 C) maybe once or twice a year where I live. I never used to own

I personally love the look of dark eyebrows with lighter hair. Try an eyeshadow rather than eyebrow pencils. You should be able to find a better match. I honestly just went into MAC and said I need a shadow to fill in my eyebrows, and they matched the colour for me. I think it looks more natural than a pencil as well.

Jesus fuck I can't deal with this shit anymore. I am an experienced paediatric intensive care nurse and seriously the amount of this bullshit I see on a daily basis, plus the parents of these children are the most demanding, interfering assholes in the world. Guess what, your "all natural" remedies and anti-vacc

Thank you - so many people are jumping to the conclusion that he was being chased by the paparazzi. I haven't seen a single report where that was anything but a rumour that TMZ themselves started, that speed was a factor, or actually, how the accident actually happened at all.

I'd take an owl over a magpie any day, just saying.

This was my instant reaction. A temperature I don't have to google to understand how cold it really was!

Did he blow dry it? I asked my hairdresser once about what sorcery she used to get my hair so sleek with a straightener (and I have fine, semi-straight hair to start with) and she told me it's actually the blow drying that seals the cuticle and makes things sleek, not the straightening. She also said that blow drying

My eyebrows are quite blonde naturally, plus they are like balding. Like my entire life they have had huge chunks missing from them, so everyday I have to "create" an eyebrow. I normally use an eyeshadow (I have blonde hair and pale skin and I think "Omega" by MAC looks very natural), and then using an angled eyeliner

Re: falsies: stick them where the eyelashes and skin meet. Easiest with the singles instead of the strip.

People think the ICU is the appropriate place to sort out their family drama - eg., screaming and fighting in the hallways, screaming at the nursing staff, attacking the nursing staff, trying to pull out lines and tubes from the patient (!!). The only way to deal with it is to minimise the amount of people allowed in

Yep, I'd want about 6 minutes MAX of resuscitation - if it's witnessed. If you don't see me die, leave me dead! After that give up people. We don't tend to see mild brain damage after this time frame, it's usually very severe. I have looked after a person with only a 10 minute down time have such severe brain damage

If only people knew the neurological outcomes of the majority of cardiac arrests. =|

Yeah, it sounded to me like it went through the vena cava and the very tip was touching the aorta without piercing it. Or maybe sitting in between the vena cava and the aorta.