When will these Hollywood celebrities, these lame-stream, café-latte progressives stop pushing their no drug culture on our children. It's outrageous!
When will these Hollywood celebrities, these lame-stream, café-latte progressives stop pushing their no drug culture on our children. It's outrageous!
"Apparently Jared Padalecki's definition of "tragedy" doesn't include a man dying of an addiction he fought for 20+ years, and leaving behind his partner of 15 years and 3 small children."
Indeed. But it has the added benefit of also being entirely true. Seriously, ask an Indian person. They'll confirm it. Probably in less colorful language, but they'll confirm it. In my experience they aren't shy about admitting how fucked up their culture is.
"...what we see does not line up with the cultural definition of manliness."
I quite liked Brandon Routh in spandex. In fact I could do with a little more Brandon Routh in spandex. Superman. Aquaman. I don't really care, he can be whoever he likes. Just so long as he's Brandon Routh in spandex. He's doesn't even need to be a superhero really. Just a guy in spandex will do fine...
It tends to be different depending upon whether their is a very strong paternal element in the culture. In Indian culture a son, especially an eldest son, is expected to continue the family. A daughter? If they're not Muslim there is less concern over what she does. When she marries she becomes part of his family so…
"Why can't these children choose their religion instead of being indoctrinated into one?"
LMFAO. Oh, sweet, naive little you. No my dear. It's quite the opposite when it comes to Jews.
Are you trying to tell me that until this event you were unaware that Jewish people are super-racist? How did you manage to miss that? They pioneered racism for God sake. They invented it. There was no concept of race, not in the sense that there is today, until they made it up. They were the chosen people everyone…
While winter sports can be more dangerous than summer sports, I think the greater danger in Sochi will be being blown up by a suicide bomber, the stadium collapsing on you or saying, doing or seeing the wrong thing and getting rubbed out by the Russian government. Or possibly eaten by a stray dog apparently. It's like…
'It has embedded itself in our routine and become an essential, not an optional, thing to do.'
Agh! TL;DR. It's not France's fault that you have fucked up ideas of female beauty. Sort yourself out.
"...organized by John Pisciotta, the leader of Pro-Life Waco"
While you're all carrying on like pork chops, did any of you stop and realize that women in the UAE have way bigger problems than this? Anyone? No. Didn't think so. Continue...
Well no, seeing as how Vlad and his pals stole the vast majority of that $51 billion (for reference the London Olympics only cost $12 billion, and that was a proper Olympics, not a bullshit winter Olympics). And seeing as how Russia doesn't treat some of its humans humanely, I wouldn't hold your breath on them coming…
Does anyone seriously think they aren't doing the exact same thing to homeless people in Sochi right now? This is Vladamir Putin's Russia we're talking about.
Indeed. It's not as if they have years and $51 billion to try to come up with a humane solution.
She's not the Queen of England, she's the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Or the Queen of the United Kingdom if you must shorten it. And she isn't "Her highness", she is "Her Majesty The Queen".
You boss if they happen to be German. Believe it or not, more than one person learned that the hard way...
Wait, I never worked at a law firm...