
I too am on the “Why the hell is Jalopnik doing videos, this is fucking stupid” train. 

it’s not a forty-five minute video

Can a photoshop expert connect the lights near the egg “runny” part to make them connect like a 90s mercury sable? Just wondering how it would look if you put a reflective strip to connect them like this 0__0

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

That last email is the one you should have sent first, and it’s a shame you had to let Bret Fucking Stephens hand you your ass before you realized that.

Agree 100% that the M Sport seats are the most comfortable I’ve ever used.

Ok, but then I think the same can likely be said about the new M SUVs from BMW, so it seems odd to say they’re watering down the M brand.

I still can’t figure out how to adjust the damn clock in my Volt.

I made this claim in my law office last year as well. Management, god bless them, claimed that if I truly wanted to air a grievance perhaps I should join the local hockey league. Not being one to back down from a challenge, of course I did. Immediately in our first practice I removed my skates and my helmet and threw

Just took my BMW 850 off Jackstands after three months.

“Boots to Colon Cleaning Service: How can we service your rich ass today”

Traditionally, Gawker usually pays a Hogan very well.

Condolences to your property values...

Dana White designed Elon Musk’s submarine


Starred for “guard it like a fucking crab”

“AI leaders afflicted with the dreaded spelling bee bug obsess over things like religion, sometimes to their own detriment, because they have no default values for other important qualities.”

Actually I was talking about the opposite Fiero body on Ferrari drivetrain. I think both ways would be just as entertaining. Hell in theory both could be done, just imagine parking them side by side at a show.