
Whenever the Germans start talking about purity, I get worried.

Look at that turbo peaking out from underneath the logo... ready to pounce!

Russell Westbrook: “I don’t give a fuck about the line.”

We’ve all been there. The sudden screaming upon the surprise interest of a third party. The insistence that it was, in fact, he who grabbed ours; which of course releives us of the homocity otherwise associated with the act. You know, the usual.

Just because you were drinking in the third pew at St. Mary’s doesn’t make it a bar.

my basic rule of thumb is to keep as many things that will be going into my mouth out of public restrooms as possible.

Freddy, quit writing articles about stuff you clearly don’t even understand. Since, if you did understand it you would be way more in tune with the real problems of BMW motors and cars then this shit ass list put together here.

Maybe for your next article you can jump on the IMS bearing failure for Porsche train like

No, that’s his recipe for salsa. For tomato sauce, he runs them over with his car.

No. MR10!!!

You people who are saying the SS looks like a Malibu are blind.

Why is Deadspin applauding an Arian raising a straight arm at an angle above his shoulder?
I, for one, am outraged!

Take all the nissans, we'll keep the E30's for us.

Actually, you're wrong.