
@maxijet: *sigh* Comments like yours and people who think like you just make me weep for what could be if people stopped calling people 'fanboys' or 'sheep' because they happen to like products and value things in products that may disagree with what others value or like. There is a such thing as a 'fanboy' in people

@notdjperez: You do realize that the people who experienced the problem you're talking about were less than 1% of all the phones sold... the issues he's talking about in this article however are issues on EVERY phone that will be sold regardless of manufacturer...

Wait so in point number 3 are you saying you can't buy music over the air with the Windows 7 Phone? Like not through the Zune Market or anything?

@PreachingLlama: Um did you even read this? Instead of JUST saying this feature was broken (which he did with ever bullet point) he offered how to fix the feature to make it truly worth having/using.

@bsoft: If you can't understand the Prestige then you shouldn't be operating a computer.

@Vrank92: Do you not notice the amp the phones are plugged into sitting under the one guys seat? He's singing into it because it's coming out of the same speakers as the instruments when he does.

@blash: Well I just paused it when they shot it and put my finger on the spot where it appeared the bullet actually hit then I hit play and when the camera zooms in my finger is almost spot on the bullet... As crude as a measurement that might be it leads me to believe it's real.

@moonshadowkati: My street fighter 4 runs fine, very smooth no jerky gameplay whatsoever.... Agreed on the controls though... onscreen controls for street fighter are just fail... Apple needs to release a game pad addon for iPhones/iPads.

@Kung-Fu Kurtis Carnivale of Carnage: Wait how will this enable you to jump ship from Comcast? This doesn't actually provide you with any content, this only allows you to interface with the content you already have (cable TV, youtube, etc...) in a more Google' way ie. better search capabilities and controlling all of

@cullenmcd: And I just setup a third to test... you are entirely incorrect.

@cullenmcd: That is incorrect... I have 2 exchange emails set up on mine right now.

@Eddard: Can I just say kudos to you for actually typing that out mate. I caught this airing the other night and thought to myself "Damn that's good writing". How do I promote you? I never understood how to promote on this site.

@hostile-17: You anti-samsung sentiments are well deserved... I have a Samsung Galaxy phone and it's awful.

@justin0025: sigh... another one of these... I'm sure your unfounded and misinformed statement will get promoted by other who share the same sentiments because of the ever increasing popularity and trendiness of disliking all that is Apple. However at times there are a bunch of Android posts and yet no one complains

This promo looks strangely familiar...

@albinobluesheep: This happened a WHILE ago mate. The first gen iPod touch debuted with 8 AND 16GB models. The 32GB model was in February of 2008 and the 64GB model came out in September 2009... So yeah I would say you completely missed this.

@albinobluesheep: Then buy a higher capacity model... you're statement doesn't make sense. It's like slamming Nike for selling size 10 shoes because you wear size 11 but they also sell size 11 you just CHOSE to buy the size 10...

@pterribledactyl: I don't quite get this... the iPod touches start at $199 for the model that holds around 1500 songs/125 albums... can someone explain his sarcasm to me? I'm not trying to be a smart ass, I really don't get it.

Android has done an amazing job with gaining momentum but what I question here is if people realize the amazing feat of outselling Apple was just one quarter which was last quarter... In overall market share Android is still behind considerably... They only outsold the iPhone for one quarter in which the iPhone 4