
@ihaveabu: You do realize they still have the market share by a large margin right? All this hoopla is because Android outsold them for one quarter. I'm not diminishing what Android has done, kudos are definitely in order but this is just one quarter... AND the quarter before the iPhone 4's run as well..

According to Bloomberg, Google is STILL fighting for Net Neutrality HOWEVER only for home internet service and Google has agreed to and/or Support NON-Neutrality for mobile Internet meaning phones and the like... It looks like they are using their position on the internet to try to boost their stake in the mobile

@jonnyversusrobots: Are you kidding? I'm not sure where everyone is getting this Google = Rainbows and Unicorns crap from. It's like Google is even better at brainwashing people than Apple because no one seems to know that Google at the end of the day is about making money...

@helfrez: Does the Nexus one have an actual GPU ala the Galaxy and iPhone or is it one of the crappy integrated graphics units? I'm just trying to gauge if the N1 will play iPhone caliber games etc (good open gl performance). Also I played with a friends Froyo N1 and it was slow as hell, scrolling was choppy during

@Noel Nunkovich: This routing is actually controlled on the server end and has nothing to do with Froyo... I deal with Exchange server and mobile devices for a living. Basically on the exchange server you can set routing priorities and you can set the priority or Mobile Sync higher than other things. Also for

So if I have Froyo, I won't have to pay Verizons or Sprints extra Wifi Hotspot/Tethering fee? Or is this one of those the phone now 'supports' it feature but it's up to the carrier whether or not it makes it into the actual device you buy and whether or not the carrier chooses to bill you extra for this?

@The SmacK: Oh and also just for the record Skype didn't pursue other companies to work with... Other companies pursued Skype once they reached a little over 100 Million users because other companies wanted a piece of the pie and wanted to use capability as a selling point for their device which Skype charged these

@The SmacK: Now you're just toying with me, I know you're not that dense. :-). $40 camera, but you still need the PC to connect it to which at the time skype came out was on average around $499 or so. In the spirit of making sure that others who are reading this know that you're being dense on purpose just for a laugh

@The SmacK: Yes when skype came out for video chat (this is the feature we're talking about specifically remember?) anyone with a computer who had a Skype account AND a camera could use it. This is both software and hardware dependent. FaceTime is the same thing. Anyone who uses the FaceTime protocol, again both

@The SmacK: Come off it mate. When skype FIRST came out there were very limited people who had it and it wasn't on phones as a native app at all. And yes it is a video standard and no it's not hard to make other products compatible, but it's only been around 30 days since the first devices debuted and since the

@The SmacK: The 3g decision was AT&T's if you read any of the documentation that has come out of the courts forcing the release of the exclusivity deal with Apple. AT&T is responsible for most of the crippling of bandwidth using feature that Apple has promised. Hell Apple even fought to have Wi-Fi hotspot and MMS in

@The SmacK: Which Windows Phone 7 device did they give you?

@tande04: Thank you for this response, it needed to be said early on before we get a bunch of posts like the one you were responding to. Good job.

@The SmacK: Both you guys really do sound like douches right now. FaceTime aka video chat wasn't new and Apple never said video chat was new, not once if you read the information on their page or actually watched the keynote. Apples implementation was new, the open 'FaceTime' standard was new, and the quality of the

@The SmacK: You have a Windows phone 7? Where can I get one?

It would appear that a lot of the issues with the gimping of iPhone features is actually squarely on AT&T's shoulders and not that Apple was unwilling to give us these features... this is actually really enlightening and makes me think slightly different about Apple.

@borderdk: Wait so spend money on this phone, clean off everything that makes the phone what it is? What sense does this make again? I'm glad Google has this perceived freedom that everyone seems to be in love with but at what cost? Why buy a device if you have to erase everything and do it yourself for it to be worth

@tuner_racer: Wait... this was a dual attempt at humor and a jab at Apple right? Forgive me, some times trollanese is a bit rusty.

@Dethzilla: There is no way on this earth you could agree with Toshiba UNLESS they stated in their ads "more rules apply please see rules on website" or "please see website for official rules" or anything to the affect of what's stated here isn't comprehensive and you should check the website... But NONE of this was

@BrodySF: Comcast isn't free... you pay $100+ for maybe the 10 shows you actually actively watch... Also add to your bill the $10 monthly netflix fee for the streaming service... Having this, plus the Hulu app that's made for the IOS devices, PLUS the ABC app made for the IOS devices PLUS the Netflix App made for the