I gawkered in the toilet

Eat shit. Here’s some real news you will never see on Jizzbelch:

More news from South Africa that you will NEVER see on Jizzbelch because it contradicts Jizzbelch’s naive white-guilt dipshit “progressive narrative”. Over 20 riots every day in black “governed” South Africa!

Take a good look, naive white-guilters, at the future of the USA if these “progressive” morons get their way:

SJWs suck

News you will never ever see on Jizzbelch, you will NEVER see news from South Africa on Jizzbelch, it contradicts their dipshit “progressive narrative” too much”:

Why do blacks commit such an astonishingly disproportionate shitload of rapes?

Just look at the current conditions of South Africa to get a good picture of what the USA in the near future if “progressive” dipshits like you achieve your goals.

stupid bitch

Good. Shit on all libtards.

Your SJW shit makes you stupid.

Gawd it must suck having to post this kind of shit for a living. I bet your parents are really embarrassed on your behalf. I didn’t think it was possible, but Jezebel is even shittier than Gawker was.

LOL at libtards

Holy shit Jezebel sucks. It’s like if Gawker somehow got even shittier.

Who gives a shit? Just the bitchy SJW Jews at Jizzabelch. Your piece of shit website tries to sell me crap all the time, hypocrite.

You’re a lot fatter and uglier in real life than your profile pic makes you out to be.

Who gives a shit? Anyone who can’t tell how obviously fucked in the head Hillary is is a goddamn moron.

Hopefully every former Gawker blogger also gets mugged by blacks just like this grandma was.

“colored people” = totally offensive