An Asteroid Crashed and Nothing Burned 3.0

It’s an easy way for hucksters to rob public coffers while making parents feel like their kids are getting an elite private education. If I were to solve educational woes, I’d

It’s like when proud West Virginians fly confederate flags. YOUR STATE EXISTS BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T WANT TO BE A PART OF THAT YOU RACIST MORONS.

They’ve turned gaslighting and victim blaming from an art into the administration’s legitimate policy and position on all issues.

Why even ask her any questions???? It’s like talking to a 5 year old.

Who would have thought that being an Onion Headline Writer would become one of the most difficult jobs in the world in 2017.

Enh, exactly what you’d expect from someone married to a left winger.

Trump: /gets confirmation that it was, in fact, at least 7,000 Big Macs ago

I’m sure he’ll never understand the implications of the fact that he felt he couldn’t possibly win by talking up tax cuts for the wealthy, and instead had to make a bald appeal to racism. It’s like he just admitted the entire rotten core of Republican electoral politics for the last 50 years and doesn’t even realize

“When they go low, we go high” sounds good until you realize that, in practice, they’re landing kidney punches while you are swinging at empty air.

But have you seen how bad Hillary rides a horse!!!

Unfortunately, the voters of Alabama will be proven just as stupid and racist as we fear

There’s definitely some vanity on Kinja, although I 100% agree with your point.

Sherman stopped too soon. He should have made a right turn into Alabama and burned the whole fucking state to the ground, then salted the earth to keep from anything growing for 1,000 years.

Although I wouldn’t have phrased it exactly the way you put it, I share your sentiment.

Seasoning the Truth with Lies: The Sean Spicer Story

More Bullshit: An Alleged Inside Look at the White House That, Nonetheless, Will Contain More Lies

That’s a pretty wordy title.