It’s only going to keep getting worse
It’s only going to keep getting worse
It’s called basketball.
I’ve never taken one red cent from the government, so you can get fucked. I’ll probably end up paying less in taxes under this plan, but the vast majority of it is given to the top .1% and our children and children’s children will have to pay for it, to the extent it isn’t paid for by screwing over the poor. I’m not a…
Funny, I didn’t realize that what I pay in taxes is relevant in any way to the fact that you support a tax bill that will strip 13 million people of healthcare, shifts the tax burden onto the middle class and increases their taxes, and sneaks in anti-choice measures for good measures for no other reason than you’re a…
I understand being a selfish prick, I just don’t understand being so proud of it.
Well at least you’re honest about how much contempt you have for your fellow citizen, you fucking sociopath.
NPR had a bit about families making $100k+ who are still struggling. I think it might be part of a series.
SO how does being a self-absorbed piece of shit who doesn’t care how many people get fucked so long as you save a couple dollars on your taxes feel?
The next rule change will allow your employers to come to your house, eat your dinner, and then leave with all the presents under your Christmas tree. It is called the “Grinch was the good guy all along labor rule of 2017.”
Federal minimum wage is $10.10 and hour for non tipped employees.
Huh. This is a very socialist move coming from a PRO-AMERICA, PRO-CAPITALISM administration. Fascinating. It’s almost like the only principle they adhere to is benefiting wealthy establishment owners.
If LeBron really wants to understand Rose’s life, he should try walking a mile in Rose’s knee braces.
“I think not having the estate tax recognizes the people that are investing,” Grassley told the Register, “as opposed to those that are just spending every darn penny they have, whether it’s on booze or women or movies.” about we stop policing the entire planet and spend some of our own tax dollars on...ourselves? Maybe a nice universal healthcare system? Maybe some of the nations with awesome benefits and healthcare systems can pay for their own defense?
I’m actually, truthfully surprised that you guys haven’t taken to the streets yet. Seriously, your country is rapidly falling apart.
I think it’s more of a dare.
Ate the W. Proves he elite anything
Lazy fucking kids, not lifting a finger to secure health insurance for themselves.
It’s like Republicans WANT us to go full French Revolution on them or something.
Won’t you think of the poor billionaires who have to pay taxes?! Those damn children can get a job to get their health insurance! Bootstraps!