An Asteroid Crashed and Nothing Burned 3.0

Given how incredibly unpopular the tax reform bill was, and given how badly it’s going screw over people in Alabama, I’m not sure that’s how Donald should be endorsing Moore. But maybe the voters there don’t care, because Moore hates gay people and that’s all they need.

Down, way down into the earth forever.

I can’t believe there’s a portion of the population who thinks any news they don’t like is fake.

Down with Republicans.

“Is there a calculator for people who don’t live permanently in the year 1990 and do actual modern contract work as a sole-proprietor LLC?”

Listen, I really don’t see what the big deal is. I’m a few years older, much shorter and not nearly in as good shape (though, to be fair, round is a shape), but I can block my kids’s shots in the same way every time they try to shoot. Whoop-de-fucking-do.


The anti-suicide nets surrounding the plant will be filled with cheese and beer!

Spare me. Wisconsin doesn’t have some monopoly on quality beer. Today almost every state has a good selection of craft beers available.

I grew up in Wisconsin. I have three degrees from Wisconsin universities. I actually still work in the state.

Also their cheese is overrated.

I thought all the immigrants had taken the jobs.

The same Scott Walker who weakened unions and advocated for much lower pay and fewer benefits for American workers? And when workers turn their noses up at no workers’ rights and low pay, he shrugs and says, “I can’t figure out why no talented young people want to move here!”

Another major reason why millennials don’t want to live in Wisconsin, is the fact that it’s located in Wisconsin.

It helps to skip up to where Furiosa starts driving.

I know I’m in the minority, but I was underwhelmed as hell by this movie. Not trying to troll, but I saw it twice and thought it was serviceable, but certainly not the best action movie I’ve seen. I was far more moved by action scenes in Oldboy and The Matrix, to name two off of the top of my head, than anything in MMF

Nah ... the original Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Oh for Christ’s sake, it’s not the best. Not even close. Not even Top 100.

Uh no it isn’t. Not by a mile.

“Why do white people want to use the word so bad?”