An Asteroid Crashed and Nothing Burned 3.0

I’m fairly certain this is about Iran as much as anything else. Rex is an oil guy and doesn’t really have any interest on FP beyond making lucrative arms/energy deals with the likes of Saudi Arabia or Russia. In other words, he’s not a “true believer” when it comes to regime change in Iran. I’m betting that once he

The CIA does not trust its head, Pompeo. He is compromised in their view and they’ve been hiding shit from him since he was appointed. So this should go great, right?

Yup. Posted similar reply above before seeing yours.

White Santa Claus!

That doesn’t seem like the worst consequence to me. I think that would be a net gain.

The wonder weeks stuff is a really good resource. It has lined up with our experience every time he has a tough day/night/few days.

Attitudes like yours are exactly why Democrats lose elections. No, the two parties are not even remotely comparable in their badness, but people like you like to pretend otherwise for some fucking reason, because hey, complaining about not having a perfect option makes you feel better than choosing the best available

They don’t believe it’ll help the economy one bit. As thick as they are, most of them are still bright enough to realize 40 years of Reaganomics has shown what a fucking joke it is.

In the next few years, we’re either going to have an economic recession (like we do roughly once every ten years), or Trump (‘s advisors) will decide that the best way to forego/delay/avoid a recession is wartime spending (see: 2001), and we’ll get an actual war started.

Eh, I’m perfectly happy to go down the “both sides do it!” path on most subjects, because in most cases the Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans (or close).

More than once I would notice that if a kid had a really rough night, the next day they would show marked improvements in some physical or mental skill. Seems like their brain was just working too hard at processing and connecting up what it needed to do the next big thing that it prevented sleep.

The judiciary was THE reason why Trump had to be stopped.

Donald Trump: The Legacy of White Americans

Dump Conyers and Franken now. It is evident that a single incident of harassment can now assumed to always be the tip of the iceberg to a pattern of harassment and assault.

This drone army wants to ban Harry Potter books. Their children ought to ask them to sit down [quiet obediene, with perplexed expressions] while they explain to their confused parents the difficult truth: magic is Not Real.

Yeah, about that - that thing that looks like a tax cut for billionaires but is actually a repeal of pretty much all social service for the middle-class and lower-income Americans …

Eh, I’m perfectly happy to go down the “both sides do it!” path on most subjects, because in most cases the Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans (or close).

So, an American citizen shooting and killing almost 600 people at a country music concert in Las Vegas is apparently Trump’s vision of doing just fine. Surely, this calls for USA USA USA chant.

“If only there was some kind of process in place to remove a President who is clearly out of control..........Oh well, nothing we can do, guess we just gotta stick to getting those tax breaks for the rich passed.”

story about Trump in 2000 [...] flying on his private jet with Jeffrey Epstein, a notorious billionaire pedophile. [Sports journalist] Corcoran joined Trump and Epstein for dinner at Mar-a-Lago [...] Trump unabashedly remarked “there is nothing in the world like first-rate pussy”