
Soul Assassins, Dr. Dre & B-Real-Puppetmaster

Enough of this fake tool of the machine named Miley! How is it that nobody seems to have a problem with this piece of garbage?

I prefer Dina haha. But man, there's more to it…

Salute your shorts and go research the Rome incident. Also, the Doctor who treated him is on record saying its wasn't a suicide attempt.

If they put this out there the way they put Bruce Jenner's sex change out there-people would become informed and demand answers. But when the same controlling intests control most if not all forms of publicity and media-such events are an afterthought. Out of sight, out of mind


From making up stories that she was pregnant with Trent Reznor, to saying she fuxked Brad Pitt-Here's the closest thing you'll find to such a section-it breaks down the whole pattern of her behavior before and acter 94 with links and dirext interviews/quotes from all those involved. All it takes is common sense to

That's the main thing everyone keeps overlooking-this runs way deeper than Courtney; where there's money, there's crime, scandal, corruption, cover-up lies etc. Not to mention, the motivating factor of social control…case in point-today's "icons" like Kardashian vs those with an actual voice speaking on