According to my Nintendo Switch, I’ve put more than 125 hours into The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I’ve defe…
According to my Nintendo Switch, I’ve put more than 125 hours into The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I’ve defe…
I’m actually curious how that’ll shake out, too
No way, man. It’s fantastic. And having to account for Noctis’s clunky sliding is what makes it so satisfying when you finally beat it.
Who is your first favorite girl? For me, Homura is my #1 tied with Senjougahara.
The second pack was released in Japan already, still waiting on the third. I would kill for Hello/How Are You. That piano.
“It’s totally pati time.”
In case the more than 200 songs included in Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone weren’t enough, Sega’s got a…
Mm, yeah, I fact-checked the price later but didn’t think it was relevant to include. Glad that you mentioned. A good warning to potential PC buyers out there that salespeople aren’t always trustworthy!
Nothing tests your resolve to identify a certain way like a big, bank-breaking purchase. In December, after five…
If ashes to ashes from the first project diva f is on their im prolly good on kaito quota but i need as many meikos as possible.
much thanks that’s what I heard but after playing Project diva X which i believe had the lowest song count. I was very disappointed with the number of songs everyone but miku got.
Like chocolate and peanut butter, Minecraft and virtual reality go together about as well as two things can. This is…
What kind of PC do you have? you can emulate the psp ones (they have fan translations). IMO the songs are better in the psp ones compared to the vita ones
I would start with Project Diva F or F Second on the Vita, just because the latest one changes the game formula in a way that players of the previous two will really appreciate. Plus they all have different music. I have all three games on my Vita.
Track: Ai no Uta/Love Song | Artist: Hatsune Miku/Lamaze-P | Album: Project Diva X Track
Eisenbeis is handling the Japanese release, but I am playing the hell out of this on my Vita. This will help me get through to the evening to play some more. >.>