
No one says you have to be perfect. Also, no one is going to kiss your ass and hold your hand while you undo 30+ years of sexist conditioning. That is on you to do, buddy. He's a newbie at this, and got corrected. His first reaction was to get all defensive. Why? If feminists who are working in this struggle corrected

Based on your previous statement, you believe feminists are supposed to offer incentives being an ally. Apparently working for a better world with equality for all is not incentive enough. So, yeah, you're either interested in the cookies, ass kissing, or the free pass, or all of thee above. No one wants an ally with

If ass kissing is what you desire, just remember you're a white guy in a racist and sexist society. You get all of the ass kissing you can handle.

Probably the key role men can play in feminism right now is to be the ones who alleviate the pressure of explaining why this is important to other men, so women aren't stuck spending all their time either ignoring problems or hashing out Feminism 101 for the seven hundredth time. But we need guys who are willing and

He didn't learn anything. He was never in the wrong because his heart was pure and good. Didn't you get that from the heartbeams he was pulsating through the t.v./tablet/computer monitor? How can he be "continuing to learn" when an learning opportunity presented itself and he shut it down?

There are no cookies here, only a fight for equality. No one has time to kiss your ass with what is going on in the world today.

Yeah, but those guys who would think feminists are the biggest shitheads are never going to change their minds about the status quo. They like it and no amount of life experience is going to change that for them. If you believe that everyone you meet needs to be 100% compatible with you for your support of feminism,

If you feel that every single person you meet who identifies themselves as a feminist must be 100% compatible with you, then you're not really an "thoughtful, empathetic ally". You just set an impossible goal to reach and are using that as a rationalization as to why you don't like feminism.

Then it must be 100% impossible for his mouth to form the words, "Oh, sorry. I'm still figuring this stuff out."

The "free pass" is the free pass from criticism. Remember he just had this epiphany a little while ago, so its not like he shed his 30+ years of conditioning within a sexist society in a flash. It is expected that he will make mistakes because he's still a newbie at this, but pulling out the old "what matters is in my

I feel like if the mere existence of people that you may not get along with scares you off of something as important as making sure women are treated better in this society, it was never a big problem for you at all. You were never going to disrupt the status quo and no amount of talking or experience could sway you;

Privilege is not about ease of life. It is about the advantages that you are given simply because you exist. He wasn't a skinny little Indian kid growing up Bangalore. He was the skinny little kid of a doctor who provided a upper middle class lifestyle for him. He wasn't privileged in race — he was brown and in racist

I believe its a pretty spot on take. You and Aziz believe that allyship means you get a free pass because atleast you're "trying". It doesn't work like that. Women have to LIVE with the effects of a male-dominated society everyday. You don't get a gold star for trying or being half way there or because you can be a

And just like me saying stupid things before doesn't change what I do and say NOW, the same goes for Aziz and his problematic bits.

You can't be an ally if you're not willing to learn anything. Aziz has had 30+ years of conditioning in the patriarchy and it will not all go away overnight. In fact, it never fucking will because the notions of gender that give the system strength are ubiquitous and accepted without argument. It's hard work to be an

I hate the "what about my intentions" b.s. I don't know you, buddy. I only give the benefit of the doubt to people I have a personal history with. No one here knows Aziz outside of the performer context. So why should he expect me to treat him like my best friend? GTFO.

Who are these bad people, fedora? Because each and every time a feminist talks about them, your neckbeard buddies send them death threats or try to rape them. You don't really believe in feminism at all if you're playing the "there's more important stuff" game. Injustice is injustice, period.

The only people who think that feminists are "crazy" and "unreasonable" are assholes who don't genuinely believe in the cause in the first place. That whole "its what's in my heart that matters" bullshit is stupid. No one knows you, Aziz outside of a performer. We are not your friends. I give benefit of the doubt to