It was ABSOLUTELY her responsibility if she actually knew what the hell she was talking about. But she didn't .
It was ABSOLUTELY her responsibility if she actually knew what the hell she was talking about. But she didn't .
It's all in the past tense, you ninny. The fighting and the equal rights have already happened.
After her speech, she said that everyone else had already got equal rights (blacks and gays) had already got equal rights. So black women were not included when she was at the podium. That was all for white women, but it wasn't the true number of how much they even make. White women get 80% of what men make. She was…
To all of the white women who are upset that people are picking apart Arquette's speech, THAT'S TOO FUCKING BAD.
Arquette doesn't stand with anyone else, because everyone else has equal rights. In that scenario, who exactly are you standing up to? Hey, police are lynching black people in the street, but that doesn't matter because we're all equal according to Arquette. Fuck her.
The only one grasping is you. After her "amazing" speech, Arquette said everyone else already has equal rights, so it was time to focus on white women getting paid equal to white men. Fuck her and her White Feminism (tm) bullshit.
Well I guess we can pack up the Black Lives Matter protests because according to Arquette, black folks are already equal. What really needs to happen is that we get white women that 20% pay increase more so that they are equal to white men.
Nope. Just putting Arquette through the feminism machine like white women put Beyonce through.
Not creepy when you think about the makeup of the audience.
And now time to pick apart every possible implication that can be found in this statement that can be used to undermine whatever particular brand of feminism that Arquette seems to be spearheading. Wouldn't want people thinking that speaking out about feminism in a colloquial way outside of ponderous blog posts and…
Correction: All of the WHITE women should have been on their feet. Everyone else has their equal rights, don't cha know?
This is more like you standing up for gay rights but only mentioning the problems of white gays. After which you say white gays are the most put upon group on the planet because everyone else has equal rights.
Commenters HERE don't even recognize how race plays into feminism or other women's issues, and you can sure as hell bet that a rich white woman doesn't neither. So, you can take that solidarity bullshit somewhere else because it's not gonna fly today.
Umm, I didn't paste it, but I've been saying the same thing over and over again in these threads, because people are making the same arguments over and over.
Must have killed a black woman.
I think she just hates stupid.
Meanwhile, parents who let their kids play in the playground unattended are getting brought up on child neglect charges. Gimme a break.
To pretend that Khloe wasn't setting up a comparison between teenage Amber and teenage Kylie is disingenuous. Amber didn't respond to Khloe's tweet by saying she knows what child exploitation is and it is happening to Kylie. She used that to pivot to the real target of her attacks, Kim. She didn't call Kourtney a…
You had better not have an Apple products then.
You also have to be white. Don't forget that because its a major determining factor.