Ah, it was a good show. Dog inserts itself into classic literature. For example, Wishbone would play Romeo in "Romeo and Juliet." If they gave out acting awards for dogs, Wishbone would have won them all.
Ah, it was a good show. Dog inserts itself into classic literature. For example, Wishbone would play Romeo in "Romeo and Juliet." If they gave out acting awards for dogs, Wishbone would have won them all.
But everything I say is utterly useless to you because I have a different take on things than you.
You were being condescending to black women about their experiences with racism and yet you start this whole thread by saying you have a problem with how they handled themselves in response to your patronizing.
Oh, so you only are interested in talking to people who agree with you.
Many black women don't even identify as feminists because they experience, well, whatever the white woman version of mainsplaining is, from the feminist community.
Any response that disagrees with you, is utterly useless? Was it my tone?
You deserved every bit of what was coming to you in that thread. You were more concerned with policing tone and defending your "naivety" than what was actually being said.
Judge Kara Brown thinks all of the Kardashians are trash, so I already know her answer.
Tell me about it. I wish people would just be upfront with their shit. You don't like the Kardashians because of X, so you don't care if someone talks crazy to them? Fine. We can have a argument about whether X is important enough to override slut shaming. But this fake proxy arguments people are making. The mental…
Talking this one girl who just said its ok that Amber calls Kim a whore too. If Kim is upset about it, then its her own fault because she has to view herself better, then those words don't matter.
LOL, her charms worked around here. These fools are treating Amber Rose like second coming of bell hooks. She can do no wrong. She's a real feminist. Blah. Blah. Blah.
Well isn't that something. She got more important things to worry about than what is going on between Kylie's legs.
I know about you, NinjaCate. You, kshortie, MaxineShawAttorneyAtLaw, MzJenkins are the reason I read the site. That's what makes your current stance so confounding. I never said you were a monster or even obliquely implied it. I have implied and stated outright that you are breaking my heart with this 180. I mean,…
She stated what we already know
You know, nevermind. I'll take the high road. You can have your glee over Kim being called a slut. Please enjoy ever minute of it.