
What is frustrating is that no one is looking at this from Kim's view. Do you think she likes that her husband's ex is calling her a whore? Whatever Amber's feeling on the word is — which a lot of you are PROJECTING big time — it doesn't have a damn thing to do whether or not Kim wants to identify herself as a whore.

What is frustrating is that no one is looking at this from Kim's view. Do you think she likes that her husband's ex is calling her a whore? Whatever Amber's feeling on the word is — which a lot of you are PROJECTING big time — it doesn't have a damn thing to do whether or not Kim wants to identify herself as a whore.

What is frustrating is that no one is looking at this from Kim's view. Do you think she likes that her husband's ex is calling her a whore? Whatever Amber's feeling on the word is — which a lot of you are PROJECTING big time — it doesn't have a damn thing to do whether or not Kim wants to identify herself as a whore.

What is frustrating is that no one is looking at this from Kim's view. Do you think she likes that her husband's ex is calling her a whore? Whatever Amber's feeling on the word is — which a lot of you are PROJECTING big time — it doesn't have a damn thing to do whether or not Kim wants to identify herself as a whore.

What is frustrating is that no one is looking at this from Kim's view. Do you think she likes that her husband's ex is calling her a whore? Whatever Amber's feeling on the word is — which a lot of you are PROJECTING big time — it doesn't have a damn thing to do whether or not Kim wants to identify herself as a whore.

What is frustrating is that no one is looking at this from Kim's view. Do you think she likes that her husband's ex is calling her a whore? Whatever Amber's feeling on the word is — which a lot of you are PROJECTING big time — it doesn't have a damn thing to do whether or not Kim wants to identify herself as a whore.

What is frustrating is that no one is looking at this from Kim's view. Do you think she likes that her husband's ex is calling her a whore? Whatever Amber's feeling on the word is — which a lot of you are PROJECTING big time — it doesn't have a damn thing to do whether or not Kim wants to identify herself as a whore.

What is frustrating is that no one is looking at this from Kim's view. Do you think she likes that her husband's ex is calling her a whore? Whatever Amber's feeling on the word is — which a lot of you are PROJECTING big time — it doesn't have a damn thing to do whether or not Kim wants to identify herself as a whore.

What is frustrating is that no one is looking at this from Kim's view. Do you think she likes that her husband's ex is calling her a whore? Whatever Amber's feeling on the word is — which a lot of you are PROJECTING big time — it doesn't have a damn thing to do whether or not Kim wants to identify herself as a whore.

Jezebel Feminism in action: Man calls you a dirty slut. Remind the man that you will keep his secrets; call man's wife a dirty slut in retaliation.

I don't need to hate them. I just don't value them or see a point to their fame

I love how they project onto Amber all of the "sex positivity" bullshit. Amber is fucking throwing shade at Kim and calling her whore. These idiots act like bel hooks just fucking wrote another book.

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You know what, if you're not going to admit that you just hate the Kardashians and you don't give a shit what anyone does/says to them, then you're a lost cause. Don't worry, y0u'll have plenty of folks around here that feel the same way. You'll call Kim a slut. Say she's stupid, and not a feminist, etc. All the

And as you can see, she calls Kim a whore. Doesn't address the person who is actually trying to take her down a peg.

I am going to tell you this as plainly as I can: The whole issue here is TYGA -aka a grown ass man with a BABY

Nope. She's not fine with Kim or any arrangements that Kim makes. When Kim makes arrangements, she loses out and ends up with Wiz Khalfia.

NOOOOO! Et tu, NinjaCate?

NOOOOO! Et tu, NinjaCate?

NOOOOO! Et tu, NinjaCate?