
@Bitsbite: I think he said "The Sheriff is nigh"!

@ding-dang: 1, Dr Adonzio listens to songs from JoCo. I've got a crush on the Dear Dr now.

"I'm starting to consider murdering the first iPhone 4 user I see Thursday morning and taking their unit"

@TheWormInYourApple: I was going to link to a music video of "Worker's Paradise", but it turns out it's just a really awful parody of a parody with terrible singing. Spare yourself, and just imagine the lyrics on your own. It will be an improvement, trust me.

Um, 1600 drives at 60 seconds each takes 26.6 hours per shift. He's got UP TO 60 seconds for any single drive, but on average it's less than 30 seconds each. To stay on target, he'll have maybe 20 seconds per drive.

@Deadsider: That's serendipity. It's priceless when it happens, and you never look a gift goose in the mouth.

"You know how it feels when you're leaning back on a chair, and you lean too far back, and you almost fall over backwards, but then you catch yourself at the last second? I feel like that all the time..." - Steven Wright and Watson

Stay for the last line. I'm not usually a UCB fan, but that was a killer.

You've read this all wrong! It's not about censorship, it's about control. Apple just wants them to submit again.

@KLanD: We've grown apart since then. But I'll always love you.

@Xombie11: Ok, I'm totally buying one now. ZAP! You have cancer! hahahaha. ZAP! You're permanently blinded! hahahahaha. ZAP! Oh, crap, a mirror, now I'm blind and have cancer. Oh well, hahahahaha and all that.

I'm interested to see if AT&T did the analysis up front to see if matching an ICC-ID to an e-mail address can result in a real security breach, such as hijacking a call or data session from that iPad. It's still bad to leak a list of customer e-mail addresses, but it's far worse to leak information that can be used to

@seven5suited: Or they knew it wasn't considered sensitive information when they approved it. That could also have happened. But of course AT&T is evil, so we know that's not it.

@Segador: If you wait long enough, those things will become trendy and current again.

@zincrox: Yep, just use Software Update.

Mooooooooooooooole! I can't stop staring at it. Moley moley mole mole.

@tipTI: According to one nice looking mock-up, it will be a tablet with no built-in screen. It's a very flat thin box.