ithyphallus, 13382

[insert any Bioware game]

Stick some vespene gas in it.

Am I the only one who thought "balls"?

ITT: PS3 fans constantly reminding you of the Xbox Live fee, as per usual

There's goes my productive afternoon.

You're going to go on trust here, or else it's just an open invitation for horny frat dudes to violate young women's flowers when given the chance.

@Blue-Raja: A leaflet telling you to leave your homes or else you be engulfed by the flames of our bombs sounds awfully like terrorism to me.

@uptonogood: Paris's and Hong Kong's are nice

@tmronin: well, I take the subway too fyi.

Tips for taking the NYC subway: don't

Until then, frames [greater than] contacts.

Although posting on a tech blog, the most peaceful moments I've found are when there are widespread blackouts, like the great East Coast blackout, where nearly all technology becomes useless. Nights are dark and when the sun goes down you feel the need to sleep.

You know it's serious when the Royal family of Bahrain is lecturing you on "intolerance".

Guy must be a Tal'darin zealot

People have been driving piece of shit cars for years :D

@cutter1: ...and? All that "evil microsoft monopoly money" from the 90s is suddenly going toward preventing malaria

pardon my Japanese but,
