that is one epic troll
that is one epic troll
@psychiccheese: looks like you should organize it, party for yourself and get those stickers.
lol 1 for Toronto....:(
Looks great for pimpslapping
Or a much cheaper and more effective method:
The power of airbags!
So much time and money spent on testing and making minor adjustments to the same thing....
My eyes...
SC2 isn't that demanding, kinda like WoW
$35 is usually cheap for a red light district
damn you 4chan!
never knew Frucci had tats
time zones: brought to you by a Canadian, Sandford Fleming
my approach: don't feed the trolls. jessi's laughter learned the hard way.
vampire + romance
Uh hey Giz. I know we're friends and all but can we just be friends here? It's nothing personal but .. uh ... I'm already seeing other people.
All those stated reasons are the typical, shallow representations of Jesus when the character would probably use Jobs as a parable for greedy sin. Jesus more accurately stood against such materialism and wealth, stating "it's easier for a camel to go through the point of a needle than a rich man into Heaven". Plus,…
@GuanWeiqi: no. in fact, resurrection in the christian sense is often abused outside of context. it's often the result of authors who attended sunday school as a kid, only to remember that there was a super cool dude named Jesus who took 3 days to rise from the dead without being explained the significance.