
I have a dream.

How so In your case you are blaming the victim rather than the perpetrator because the victim should have known better. Shouldn't woman know better not to walk alone at night dressed like that.
I have no sympathy for those who blame victims. Anyone who takes advantage of people's mistakes and misjudgments or naivety

Casein (found in milk) is a good detergent of capsaicin (the stuff that makes the burning sensation after eating hot pepper). Water and other drinks just spread it around in your mouth making it worse.

Maybe I could just do a Snacktaku special on hot peppers...

I know this one's cheating, but the entirety of Hotline Miami. Music and all, especially the ending.

Guys, if you haven't bought this, buy it. I don't normally play games for more than two or three hours at a go, but I beat The Banner Saga in a single sitting. It's fucking phenomenal, despite some minor combat quibbles.

Important things to note from the link, from the developers:

It's happening again!

Alternative title: How to Open Your Finger with a Can.

"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

So... so... beautiful!!

That hate. You must be really proud now, aren't ya?

ARE you SURE it was saliva...

"What appeared to be saliva"

You're just kidneying, right?

I fell asleep on an airplane once. And when I woke up, I had what appeared to be saliva all over my face. It's obvious that someone had taken advantage of me while I was sleeping, but I was too afraid to say anything.
