
Well, when you choose to live your life on social media including the most intimate details, you let in the bad with the good. Many conservative people in the public eye have found out this sad truth during personal tragedies in much the same fashion as Ms. Teigan and Mr. Legend. This type of behavior is abhorrent

She married her brother.

Laugh all you like, but Trump hasn’t broken any tax laws.

LMAO@ “bombshell investigation”

LMAO@ Denmark as a model for the US to follow.

In my experience, Americans who attest that this isn’t the greatest country in the world have never spent a significant amount of time abroad. Some haven’t left their home state.

(along with Russian interference, of course)

Now imagine if The Rock had endorsed Trump...

Yeah, idiots like you would apparently prefer Joe Hiden’s crime bill and Heels-Up Harris’ throwing black people in prison left and right for weed crimes.

Wonder what great-grandma would have to say about all the thieves using “peaceful protests” as cover to steal whatever they like from other people?

Yep, actually having a plan to address the issues (and there are a few) with the black community in America is “pandering” when Donald Trump does it, but when Hiden steals some of these ideas for his own, y’all will fall all over yourselves to proclaim how much Uncle Joe really loves you.

Thankfully, not many people in this country care about your broke-ass opinion.

Wish Acura would bring us a coupe version of this car, a 2022 CLX Type-S would definitely have my attention.

And we have started now. The corporate investment in electric vehicle technology is increasing year over year, the number of consumer options in the space grows larger all the time. Solar, wind and other renewable energy investment/usage is also at an all-time high and growing steadily. At the same time, it doesn’t do

Let me begin with the timeframe. 2035? This is a joke. California will not exist in 2035, at least a California that has not been entirely burned to the ground.

Look, I’m not saying that our addiction to internal combustion and fossil fuels don’t have their drawbacks. I’ve been a scuba diver for 30 years and seen coral reefs in many locations I visit regularly, suffering during that time due largely to a combination of increased sea surface temperatures, acidification and

Bored liberals got nothing better to do but troll while cowering from The Rona in their parents’ basements.

“Concern for the environment” isn’t a liberal ideology, but insistence that anthropogenic global climate change is a scientifically demonstrated certainty absolutely is.

What would have been really cool?