Road Train

Suddenly, some assholes from the UK come pouring into your town, setting up big tents and giant speakers. Fireworks go off every night. Roads and deserts and forests are filled with signs that only exist to be smashed, and every day cars purposely crash through trees and fences to win imaginary points.

Came for anti-consumerism 101, stayed for the privileged, hectoring tone.

The last part I said was where I think my largest blind spot was, and I still feel terrible and still feel like an idiot about. Even if I think Buzbee is a crackpot (and as others have rightly pointed out, even a far-right lunatic is highly unlikely to jeopardize a very successful law practice for sports-based

I’ve reconsidered my take on this from yesterday and want to apologize for being part of the problem. Saying that out loud (or typing it publicly in this instance) is harmful and unnecessary. I’d rather have my quiet skepticism turn out to be correct than my loud skepticism turn out to be wrong, and I failed at that