I do not know

I just had a conversation with a fresh out of college guy that works for me. He had this massive reaction to a perceived slight by someone else, which basically amounted to being told he was doing something wrong (which he was), and he emailed like 3 directors and 2 people in HR about how inappropriate x, y & z was,

Life is tough, no one is gonna give 2 shits about your sensativities or your need for a safe space. No one is going to change their ingrained asshole behaviors because you cover your ears and say “Nanner Nanner, I can’t hear you!” What you’re gonna hafta do is stop being such a pussy and grow a set, like now

You wanna know how to succeed in life? Quit giving people the satisfaction of your reaction. Treat everyone you meet with kindness no matter how much they’ve wronged you. Be the bigger person. People are going to be assholes and there is not one single solitary thing you can do about it except for controlling yourself