
The tech geeks don’t think they’re cool. So no logical backup.

The Republican Party has never stopped pulling it.

Newsflash: To the rest of the world, Arlington is part of Dallas. Deal with it.

Yeah. Let me fill you in on a secret that about half of us realize when we reach adulthood....that “All men are created equal” thing?

.....Just before his dad walked into the next room to fuck his sister.

AL, not NL.

I’m a Chiefs fan and I like the Royals(Cubs get my loyalty in baseball but the Royals are the NL nookie-on-the-side), but I have to confess to rolling my eyes when some Royals fans actually tied their World Series win to the Chiefs’s huge comeback that started at more or less the same time.

Hah. Live through the mortification of having your cell phone go off during the LSATs. Then we’ll talk.

Look on the bright side, guys: Terrorists don’t give a shit about you.

An ice saw up the ass is better than NFL draft talk.

“He’s on the Chicago White Sox!”

“Will there even be TV in 25 years?”

“Our greatest sport has returned”

Comments like this make me glad that both teams make far more money than your convenience store-working ass.

Silence, white trash.

Simply put, the fight won’t draw the money required to pay Mayweather.

You do know that Kaeperprick sucks, right?

“The Frenchman’s still got it!”

“20 year old peppers his teammate on how to handle women”

Shhhh!!!! Deadspin loves to slam those Big Bad Mainstream Writers!