
A psychopath in the process of breeding more psychopaths, unpunished

Prime sign of the guy at the helm being weak is he having to show off his weaponry

The camera gets shaken by the “shockwave” before even you can see the explosion happening, which is obviously impossible, as light travels a lot faster than the shockwave

“It is wrong to say we have no clue what it is, because we do in fact have several ideas”

That’s your straw man, not my argument. You can read my argument above. 

Seems like you’re saying exactly what I’m saying. Well, almost.

I for one welcome our new super shiny martian overlords

And you just committed favorite logical fallacy of mine: appeal to authority, while failing to bring up even just a single actual argument. The only thing I’m not really sure about yet is whether take this as a proof of you flat out lying about your degree, or - considering your inability to reason - take as proof of

Oh, the good old bandwagon fallacy. Thanks for confirming you’re at the level of Trump in understanding even just the basics of logic.

That’s your straw man, not what I said.

1) Congratulation on being hung up on something that was clearly just a “typo”, because I obviously used the right terms at the end of my post (I was just tired when I started to write it, and English isn’t my mother language either, so, that’s why I used the wrong terms in the beginning),

You clearly do not understand either what eugenics is about, or what I said. Or both.

Trump is the perfect embodiment and essence of what’s generally wrong with today’s world and society. You look at him, listen to him, and you immediately understand why we don’t have a peaceful and prosperous society, why we don’t advance faster, why we don’t use our limited resources more efficiently, why we don’t hav

And that’s why throwing around terms like Black Energy and Black Matter are not useful at all, and actually counterproductive. Because they make the impression like we’d know that our basic understand of gravity, expansion, etc. is correct, and that it’s just some extra stuff (force, form of matter, whatever) causing

Considering how fast Bitcoin is falling, Ohio will lose big time on this

Hopefully his pension will also be stripped now, that he will be only 49

“Tesla’s ‘Navigate on Autopilot’ Is a Step in the Right Direction”

That’s why I said it would be still not correct to say even that. But at least it wouldn’t have things backwards on whether it’s evolution that’s subject to creatures, or creatures being subject to evolution.

Shock: An animal, that isn’t fed by its parents needs to hunt and kill its own pray. News at 11.

“Shallow Waters Allowed Early Fish-Like Creatures to Experiment With Evolution”